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Debt as an asset never looked so clean

Your company manages a powerhouse of data — we can help you keep it organized.

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Monitor your comps

Keep historical notes on properties in the same place you manage data on your current properties.

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Maximize screening capabilities

Connect your Excel models to Pereview for centralized storing of your screening assumptions and cashflows.

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Track leverage all in one place

Support your data on financing, refinancing, fund-level debt, and all other debt instruments in one platform.

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Automate closing processes

Configure your workflows and closing checklists to automate key closing activities.

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loan asset management

loan asset management

No more bouncing between software

View your cash flows, amortization schedules, and debt covenants in the same software, saving you from getting lost in in Excel Hell.

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portfolio & fund management

portfolio & fund management

View loan documents

Fast data upload and easy reporting systems in Pereview save you time from searching for information you need immediately.

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loan resolution

loan resolution

Prepare loan resolutions

Fast data upload and easy reporting systems in Pereview save you time from searching for information you need immediately.

Report from a single platform

View data across the entire capital stack on any property type.

Debt specific dashboards

View all your metrics on easy-to-read dashboards. Start with our standard debt dashboards or personalize them to fit your needs.

Configurable reports

Gather information from your borrowers (leases, rent rolls, and more) and customize how you report your leverage.

Connect to data like never before

Pereview offers multiple options to ensure you capture all your data in one place.

Data Management Services

Dedicated Pereview Data Specialists can receive the report packages, review for discrepancies and anomalies, and upload to Pereview.

Integrate with your technology

Your third party systems may have APIs that allow Pereview to connect directly - pulling and pushing your data automatically without you having to lift a finger.

Embedded Document Management

Link all your documents to the asset and view them at any stage of the life cycle.

Link up with your Operating Partners

Operating Partners upload regular financial and operational packages with variance explanations via the Pereview portal in native format or standardized templates.